Sunday, October 18, 2020

Amazing art works by Chris Wood using high and low-tech optical materials

Chris Wood’s medium is light. She uses a range of high and low-tech optical materials to harness patterns of light that suggest ephemeral glimpsed moments in the natural world. Her sculptures are simple arrangements creating kinetic patterns in response to the environments in which they are placed. Wood orders the accidental and makes us reflect on the experience of seeing. All the artworks are responsive to the light in the space. All Images credit -


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Pop Art portraits with Lego Pieces by Chris McVeigh

Chris McVeigh decided to create his own collection of pop art portraits. He needed for this were some colored markers and a few LEGO pieces. Now Batman, Optimus Prime and many other iconic characters' pics scattered all over the Internet.