Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Chinese Zoo Locks visitors in Cages..!!

The tables are turned in a Chinese zoo, where the visitors are locked in cages while the animals roam free through the park. The Lehe Ledu Wildlife Zoo in Chongqing city is giving people the hair-raising chance to learn what it’s like to come face to face with an apex predator.

“We wanted to give our visitors the thrill of being stalked and attacked by the big cats but with, of course, none of the risks,” said zoo spokeswoman Chan Liang. “The guests are warned to keep their fingers and hands inside the cage at all times because a hungry tiger wouldn’t know the difference between them and breakfast.”

“It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before in a zoo,” said visitor Tao Jen. “We’re not looking at them, they’re looking at us — and we’re lunch.”

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mind trick - Right Brain Vs Left Brain

If you see this lady turning clockwise you are using your right brain.
If you see her turning anti-clockwise, you are using your left brain.
Some people can see her turning both ways, but most people see her only one way.
See if you can make her go one way and then the other by shifting the brain’s current.
If you can switch between seeing her turn either way at will without shifting your gaze, your IQ is above 160 which is almost at genius level!

Saturday, January 17, 2015

These scrap metal insects are awesome beyond belief

Building art with scrap metal isn’t new, but the care, detail and work Edouard Martinet puts in his scrap metal insects is just stunning. From afar they look like the real thing but it’s up close the true brilliance becomes visible. When knew typewriter letters would make a perfect butterfly body?


Friday, January 16, 2015

Friendship with Lion..!!

Frikkie Von Solms, a 69-year-old lion caretaker in Southern Africa, knows this perfectly well: he has spent the last 11 raising Zion, a gentle, tender and loving African lion.

Zion was born in captivity to a lioness named Simba but had to be separated due to fears that his father would kill him. Growing up with Von Solms, Zion has turned into a little softie – when Von Solms goes for a walk with him, he takes his shoes off because their noise bothers the big cat.

The two are so close that they share a truck and a bed.

Frikkie says he has raised 19 lions, tigers and cheetahs, but says that Zion “is special because of the bond we share. I learned so much from him” 

(h/t: dailymail)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Fireworks Made From Flowers

Berlin-based artist Sarah Illenberger created a luxurious series of works in which flowers and bouquets look very similar to real fireworks.

The tiny flower buds are exploding with bright colors and shades, and the green stems look like the traces left by fireworks in the sky. The photographs of this floral beauty were taken by Sabrina Rynas.