Tuesday, October 29, 2013


The Hidden Meaning Behind Your Name

Every letter, word or name vibrates to a number, and every number has a hidden meaning. Using the chart below you can convert the letters in your name to a numeric digit. Then, using simple calculations, you can determine your personal number that represents the hidden meaning behind your name. For example, using the name Andy, we can determine that the A converts to the number 1; the N converts to the number 5; the D converts to the number 4, and Y converts to the number 7. By adding the four numbers together 1 + 5 + 4 + 7 =17, and then reducing the 17 down to a single digit by adding it thru (1 + 7 = 8), we have the personal number that corresponds to the name Andy. The number is 8. Now read the description below for the number 8, and you will find the characteristics associated with the name Andy.

When working with names and letters, there are three major parts to the puzzle. By adding the numbers associated with the vowels in your name, you arrive at a number that represents your inner self, your emotions, how you feel on the inside. By adding the numbers associated with the consonants in your name, you arrive at a number that represents your outer personality, or how others see you. Then, by adding all of the numbers in your name together, you arrive at a number that represents your destiny, or what it is in this lifetime you want to accomplish.
When you read the descriptions below for each number, stay focused on the category you are reading about…your emotions, your outer personality, or your lifetime accomplishment. For example, if the personal number describing your emotions is number 3, then you feel at your best when being expressive. If the key number describing your outer personality is 4, then others see you as a very structured person. If your key number describing your lifetime accomplishment is 8, then you have a good head for business and finance, and should be successful in that area.
Chart of Letters and Their Corresponding Number
A, J, S = 1
B, K, T = 2
C, L U = 3
D, M, V = 4
E, N, W = 5
F, O, X = 6
G, P, Y = 7
H, Q, Z = 8
I, R = 9

Number Descriptions For The Hidden Meaning Behind Your Name

Personal Number 1 - Here to learn leadership, independence and decision making skills, you strive to do your best possible when involved in any project that requires your original thinking. You are a pioneer reaching out to create or invent new ways of doing things. The status quo is just not good enough, and you are always looking for a better method to accomplish a given task. Strong willed and able to stand on your own two feet, life gives you many challenges and tests. You forge forward, eager to learn, experience, and meet your goals. You can become so involved in a project, others may see you as compulsive. From your perspective, you are absorbed in what you are doing, enjoying every minute of it, and prefer to work on the project rather than break from it. You are motivated. You are self-reliant, think for yourself, and determined to be self-made. You are a leader, a promoter, and meet obstacles with courage. Be careful to not be too overpowering of others dreams and wishes. When in a negative frame of mind, you can be domineering and too aggressive. Learn to inject new and original ideas, not force them on others.
Personal Number 2 – Able to see both sides of a situation, you are first and foremost the peacemaker, the arbitrator, the negotiator who brings conflict to resolution. You function best when in a harmonious environment. Loud noise, distractions, and unsettled conditions cause you to take action and bring about calm. You are dependable. Others call upon you knowing that if you make a commitment, you will follow through. You work hard to keep all the pieces from falling astray, and have much tolerance and patience when working on large and small projects. Details come easy to you. An essential cog in the wheel of life, your diplomacy and tact serve you well. Caution is needed here when the pieces do not fit. At times you can try so hard to hold things together, that everything gets out of control. Learn to step back and watch before moving forward during these times, and your expert negotiation skills will shine.
Personal Number 3 - Expression is your key to life. Multi-talented, versatile, creative, and an inspiration to others, you bring joy. Self expression in words, acting, speaking puts you in center stage, and you love to entertain or bring laughter into the hearts of others. With your uplifting sense of energy, others find you to be sociable, friendly, and helpful. Your biggest enemy is to be involved in so many projects at one time, you become scattered and unable to be effective with any of them. It is so hard for you to stop and take the time to get organized until suddenly your mind just shuts down from the overload. Then, you realize the need to get focused, and take your steps one at a time. Here you become the best at what you do, expressing your thoughts, hopes, theories, and dreams in the most eloquent terms. Your personal journey is the envy of many.
Personal Number 4 - A builder, hard worker, honest, with your feet planted squarely on the ground, you bring structure to the world. Your work requires a tangible finished product at completion. You are excellent at details and routine. Your economical and practical side makes you a good accountant, efficiency expert, programmer. Analytical and organized, you bring order for others. It is possible that you could work in the field of law and order, as you can assume much responsibility and help to protect others. Your work has an earthly quality to it, and you are here to experience the world as a structured place.
Personal Number 5 – Clever, witty, and charming, you reach out and touch the masses with your excellent communication skills. Language is your strength, and you can speak most everyone’s language. Here to enjoy the lighter side of life, you will not get pinned down. You want to experience all there is, and then some. You constantly long to explore, see new things, travel, and keep moving. Restlessness best describes your inner state as you find it hard to sit still. You will have many experiences, use them for personal growth. You can excel in advertising, selling, and promoting new ideas and concepts. Because you are so aware of the senses, you should use caution around the use of medications and alcohol to avoid the addictive side of chemical dependency. You need room to move and not to be bound in any way.
Personal Number 6 – Service to others brings out the best in you. The home, family, marriage are essential ingredients in your makeup. Without them, you feel lost. Love, beauty, and balance are your keywords. You may have artistic abilities, or will develop them in some way…music, painting, singing. As a nature lover, gardening will suit you well, and your home will be filled with fresh flowers, home grown vegetables, and fresh made pies. You are loving and sympathetic, and can assume responsibility. Teaching, nursing, and serving others with your special gifts puts you in front of the public. Others depend on you, and you do not let them down. Domestic occupations fall under this number, as does justice and balance. You want what is fair.
Personal Number 7 – You have excellent mental capabilities. An educator, researcher, and one to uncover life’s mysteries, you use your mind to think through all possible options. You gather knowledge from all sources. You can do well in scientific pursuits, religion, writing, technical work, and legal fields. It is important that you be discriminating, gather facts and weigh them carefully before presenting them to others. You need time to yourself, to meditate, and be in silence, as this helps to re-energize you. Others may see you as a loner, but to you, it is your way to relax and stay focused on those matters that weigh on your mind.
Personal Number 8 - Business, finance, and executive ability are your best skills. Power, control and strength are your key words. All combined, makes you an excellent candidate for directing large organizations, corporate ventures, government agencies or military units. You excel in areas that requires organizational and decision making ability. But, there is a karmic nature to this number also. What you sow, you reap. Use of force, dominance, and excess strength, returns to you in kind. All goes full circle, and it is important that you learn to balance the spiritual as well as the material side of your life. Work for personal satisfaction and the benefit of others will reward you two fold. You are intense, and give much, but need equal in return in any relationship.
Personal Number 9 - A messenger of light, you are charitable, giving and loving. Sometimes finding it hard to let go, you can bury yourself in projects or concerns of others to your own detriment. Learn to use your wisdom and insight in a way that help others grow, then let go and allow them to move forward. You have a universal understanding and tend to be a big brother or sister to all who cross your path. Others look to you for guidance and marvel at your tolerance. You are a humanitarian, and service to others is your strength.
In Numerology, there are three master numbers. These numbers carry a higher level of experience, understanding and insight. They are the numbers 11, 22 and 33. If your reduced number resulted in one of the master numbers, then your challenges and tests in life will be greater. If you live up to what is expected of you, your rewards will be beyond your dreams. Those with master numbers tend to lean towards the higher realm in all areas of spirituality, inner awareness, intuitive insight, and giving of self without concern for something in return. They are the light workers and walkers into the new age of oneness, and belong to the world. If your personal number ended in a 2, 4 or 6, look to see if you arrived at that number as a result of the number 11, 22 or 33. If so, you most likely already understand all that has been presented here, and then some.