Sunday, November 17, 2013


This picture was taken by the husband of the woman in the picture on a sunny afternoon with ordinary print film. They had just moved into their new home in Chicago, Illinois. In the window to the left of them clearly shows a older woman with her hair put up in a bun and a bulldog next to her. There was no one in the house at the time of the picture taking.

Not too much is known about the specifics of this photograph except the couple are now both deceased. To the right of the tree in the upper right-hand corner is a definite misty shape in the form of a human being.

This photograph appeared in both the Chicago Sun-Times and the National Examiner. It was taken during an investigation in Bachelor's Grove Cemetery on August 10, 1991 with a group of GRS members. The picture is an enlarged black and white infrared shot taken of an area where many of the group noticed something unusual with some of the equipment they used. It shows a young woman sitting on a tombstone with parts of her lower and upper body being somewhat semi-transparent. The dress she is wearing is also out-of-date. It was taken by member, Jude Huff-Felz.

This photograph was by Jackie Rhame of Florian, Alabama during a visit to a Six Flags Great America Amusement Park in Arlington, Texas. It clearly shows a semi-transparent figure of a little boy in the grass dressed in a red sweater with a white collar or shirt. The camera was a C- 126 and it was misting rain and humid outside. She was simply taking a picture of the Texas Giant.

This photograph was taken near a river in a forest preserve by a Ms. Mock. There is no direct sunlight that would cause this type of lens flare effect and it surely isn't the first or last picture on a roll of film because the reddish blur is near the center of the photograph. It actually takes on the shape of a human being.

An SX-70 picture taken by a Ms. Sahah of Chicago, Illinois in November of 1982 at the gravesite of her grandmother who died in April of 1934 at the age of 83. It appears to be a double- exposure but this is long before that was possible with an SX-70 camera. In this model, the film exits the camera and develops in your hand in sixty seconds. There are two distinct figures in the fog; one of a girl in long brown hair apparently holding a black animal in her lap and an older boy with his left arm around her waist. His right arm actually trails out of the photograph towards the bottom center. He is wearing a blue t-shirt with some sort of writing on it.

A black and white infrared picture taken at Hull House in downtown Chicago, Illinois by Dale Kaczmarek in November of 1980. This is enlarged blowup of the interior staircase of this most haunted house in Chicago. There was nothing visible to the naked eye when the photograph was taken but what appears are four distinct shadowy monk-like figures standing on the bottom four or five steps. The one directly in the middle appears to be dressed in monk's habit with his two hands together in prayer. There are two other figures to the left of the center monk and one to the right superimposed on the banister which apparently has no head!

This photograph was taken with an old-styled Polaroid land camera in 1959 at a location on north Damen Ave. which no longer exists. It shows a real girl standing on the stairs and this strange mist-like substance which seems to be exuding from her stomach region and collecting along the entire stairway. Some parts are translucent while others seem visually opaque. This may be a psychic photograph; in other words ectoplasm being produced by a living person. Externalization of thought.
Additional new information: A recent email from the person in the picture sheds more light on this most unusual picture.
"My parents had bought a real old Mansion that had been turned into a roomy house at that time. The rooming house was located on Damen Ave across the street from Wicker Park in Chicago. There were all kinds of stories about things in that old Mansion. Someone had hung themselves in the basement a long time before we bought the Mansion. The basement had a dirt floor it was so old. The dress I was wearing was found in a old trunk in the basement. It had been left there by a women who did an old vaudeville act. My mother used to let me play with lots of old stuff that I found in that old building. There were secret passages, going from a room to another room. It was a very interesting place to live."
This picture was taken on a warm Sunny afternoon in July 1980 at Three Valley Gap which is located 12 miles west of Revelstoke, British Columbia, Canada. The woman and her sister were standing in the motel park with a steep mountain wall behind them. Why is the mountain cut off vertically and what are the strange swirling lights in the sky? The camera was a Balda Folding Roll Film Camera, 120 size Kodacolor, 1/200 of a second at F- 11.

This photograph was taken by a tourist visiting the Confederate cemetery near Carnton Mansion in Franklin, Tennessee. Nothing out of the ordinary was seen when the picture was taken however if you look to the upper right of the photograph, hovering in the trees appears to be a figure of man in uniform. Closer examination suggests him to be a Confederate soldier.

This picture was taken by Chris Payne of Woodbridge, New Jersey at the Gettysburg National Battlefield in 1988. The camera used was a simple 110 Instamatic with a flash around dusk. Next to Terri Payne and by the wheel of the cannon can clearly be seen a strange bluish white mist. No other picture on the roll displayed anything similar in configuration. Closer examination seems to indicate a face within the fog. It was not visible to the naked eye.
This photograph was taken by Christophe DiCesare who was a student at Geneseo State University of New York in 1985. The photograph was taken in Erie Hall Dorm, Room C2D1. The ghost was called "Tommy" by those who were involved, and it turned out, after much research was thought be to that of a young boy of the same name who had hung himself at the college several years earlier. Strange drafts were also felt by many in the room. One evening, the student was shocked to look up and see a very life-like apparition of a male youth wearing a striped rugby shirt, his head tilted to one side. Objects were very often moved and cold spots experienced. This photograph is an enlargement and shows a skeletal figure to the right of man in the poster, who is Bill Rodgers , a 4-time winner of both the New York City and Boston Marathons. This is only one of a handful of such images where no figure shows up but only the skeleton! The ribs, spinal cord and pelvis can clearly be seen in this image! It was captured with a 35MM camera.
A floating orb in Mt. Thabor Cemetery, northern Illinois. This picture was taken with a Polaroid camera at about 10pm and shows a small orb apparently floating just above the ground near an old marble monument. The camera was pointed away from the roadway and any reflective surfaces.

We can't be 100% sure that this wasn't a natural phenomena such as a bug, insect or dust particle. 99.9% of orb photographs have natural explanations.

Photo by Dale Kaczmarek, June 1998.