Wednesday, March 19, 2014

From Fungi to Fish: A New Aquaponics Kit

Back To The Roots, who revolutionized growing mushrooms at home, has just released another user-friendly green product. Raising twice their goal on Kickstarter, Back To The Roots' Home Aquaponics Self-Cleaning Fish Tank combines growing herbs with an aquatic pet. Five small plants are nestled on top of the fish tank while the fish's waste naturally fertilizes the plants above. Minimal maintenance is required, but the fish does need to be fed..!!
How it works: 
  • The fish, poop and pee, and all that waste-water gets broken down by beneficial bacteria into nutrients.
  • The waste-water from the fish is then pumped up & upcycled as fertilizer for the plants. The plants take up the nutrients and, at the same time, clean the water which then falls back down for the fish.
  • There is no soil - the plants are growing hydroponically.
  • There is no need to clean the water because the plants naturally filter the water

What can you grow: Choose from a variety of fresh produce, including spinach, baby greens, oregano, beans, basil, mint, parsley & thyme.

Here is related youtube video...

A useful learning tool for the classroom, this aquaponic kit is also great for any family or urban dweller's kitchen. To learn more or purchase this Home Aquaponics Garden please visit the Back To The Roots website here.