Saturday, December 21, 2013

30 Incredible Views you’d see if you were a bird


Central Park, New York City

Dubai Islands

Maze at Longleat, England

Mexico City


Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Niagara Falls, U.S.A

Namib Desert, Namibia

Chicago Skyline, U.S.A

Tulip Fields, The Netherlands

Bern, Switzerland

Dubrovnik, Croatia

Paris, France

Meskendir Valley, Turkey

Shanghai, China

Capetown, South Africa

Moscow, Russia

Athens, Greece

Vancouver, Canada

Male, Maldives

Seattle, U.S.A

Giza Pyramids, Egypt

Bac Son Valley, Vietnam

Marina Bay, Dubai

Rio de Janeiro

Terraced Rice Fields, China

Lake in Pomerania, Poland

Vatican City

San Francisco, U.S.A