Thursday, December 26, 2013

David Černý's Metalmorphosis - A psychological self-portrait in the form of a segmented giant head

Controversial Czech artist David Černý isn't afraid of pissing people off. He jumpstarted his anti-government notoriety in 1991 by painting a Soviet tank in a Prague war memorial pink. The act scandalized Czech society.

Not to be tamed, Černý followed up his insertion into the public conscious with large-scale sculptures of, for example, two massive, naked backsides. Černý almost always encourages his viewers to interact with the art, and, in this piece, the observer can climb a ladder and stick his or her head inside the sculpture's pristine, white buttholes. Another famous Černý sculpture is of two men urinating famous sayings from Prague residents into a small pond. Viewers can interact with this piece by texting their own messages for the sculpture to memorialize in a uniquely special way.

In comparison with his other works, Metalmorphosis, a mirrored sculpture housed in the Whitehall Technology Park in Charlotte, North Carolina, is tame and seemingly apolitical. The creation consists of nearly 40 steel pieces grouped into 7 segments which independently rotate 360 degrees, and the mouth spits water into a huge pool in which it sits. When the segments are aligned, the sculpture appears to be a giant, silver head complete with the usual fixtures in their regular places.

When the motorized, internet-controlled segments are rotating, the result is an oddly mesmerizing perpetually moving showpiece which alternately looks like a human head – with disturbing, gaping holes where the mouth or eyes should be – or, alternately, like nothing replicated in the physical world. The reflecting pool beneath the sculpture creates an even more muddled reflection.

Perhaps drawing on the quickly-shifting and revolving literary universe of fellow Czech artist, Franz Kafka, Černý notes the Metalmorphosis as something of a self-portrait of his own psyche. Maybe. Part of Černý's rebellious artistic temperament includes creating a falsified biography of himself for the media. Whether or not it's absolutely true, regarding the piece, Černý said, "This is how I feel; it is a mental self-portrait.”

Appropriate for a technology park and perhaps a dig at the constant surveillance of modern culture, you can watch the head rotate – all day, every day – on a webcam constantly pinned on it.