Saturday, December 28, 2013

Numerology ( Don't miss it )

Numerology is the study of numbers. Generally most of the calculations are based on single numbers i.e., 1 to 9 ; they influence men and women equally, together with their hidden meaning, and the character pf persons indicated by them.There are only nine numbers on this earth by which all calculations are made. Beyond these numbers all the rest are repetitions, as 10 is a 1 with a zero added, an 11 is 1 plus 1 a 2; a 12 is 1 plus 2, a 3; and so on. Every number no matter how high, can be reduced to a single figure by what is called “natural addition ” from left to right. The final number that remains is called the spirit or soul number of all the previous numbers added together.

The nine numbers we have got to study are1 to 9. These numbers are adopted in occultism by Chaldean, Egyptian, Hindu and Hebrew.

The method to calculate the key number manually is simple. Apply the following table of alphabets with their corresponding occult number. Use only the most used First, Last and middle name to calculate the number.

A – 1 ; B – 2 ; C – 3; D – 4; E – 5; F – 8; G – 3 ; H- 5; I or J – 1; K – 2; L – 3; M – 4;
N – 5; O – 7; P – 8; Q – 1; R – 2; S – 3; T – 4; U – 6; V – 6; W – 6; X – 5; Y – 1; Z – 7


Your number belongs to the planet SUN…. Also called the beginning, that by which all the remaining numbers were created. The basis of all numbers is ONE; the basis of life is one. You are creative, individual and positive. You are inventive, strongly individual, definite in your views. This relates to all persons born under the number 1, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month. But it applies more specially to the persons born between 21st July and 29th August, this period is called the House of Sun, or from 21st March to the 28th April, when the Sun enters the Vernal Equinox and is considered elevated or all power full during this period.

You are ambitious; you dislike restraint, you always rise in whatever your profession or occupation may be. You desire to become the head of whatever your business is, and also keep yourself respected and looked up by your subordinates.

You are suggested to carry out your most important plans and ideas on those days which vibrate to your own number, such as1st , 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month, but specially in the period called House of Sun, when sun enters Vernal Equinox.

You have a good vibrations and harmony with the people born under 2nd, 4th, 7th, 11th, 16th, 20th, 22nd, 25th, 29th, and 31st of any month.

Fortunate days for you are Sunday and Monday, specially if they fall on 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th. Fortunate colors for you are all shades of yellows, gold and bronze to golden brown.

The lucky stones are topaz, amber, yellow, diamond. Wearing amber is good for you.

Your key number 2 stands in the planet Moon. This number has the feminine attributes of the Sun, and for this reason alone, although number 1 and number 2 people are decidedly opposite in their characters, their vibrations are harmonious and they make good combinations. You are gentle by nature, imaginative, artistic, romantic. You are inventive but not very forceful in carrying out your ideas. Your qualities are more on the mental side than physical. Your number belongs to all those who born between 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month, specially if you born between 20th June to 27th July, this period is called the “House of the Moon”
You vibrate with number 1, and in a lesser degree with number 7 people, such as those born on the7th, 16th or25th of any month.

You are suggested to carry out your ideas, plans on 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month, but more specially during the House of Moon.

Your chief faults are being restless and unsettled, lack of continuity in your plans and ideas, and lack of self confidence. You are also inclined to be oversensitive, and too easily get despondent and melancholy if you are not in happy surroundings.

The fortunate days for you are Sunday Monday, and Friday. Lucky colors for you are all shades of green , cream and white. if possible avoid all dark colors , especially black, purple, and dark red.

Your lucky stones are pearls, moonstones, pale green stones, You are suggested to wear a Jade.

Your key number 3 stands in the planet Jupiter. This planet plays a very important role in occult science. It has a special relation to every third in the series, such as 3, 6, 9, and all their additions. These numbers added together in any direction produce a 9 as their final digit, and the 3, 6,9 people are all sympathetic to each other.

You have a birth number three, the number is more significant if your birth is between 19th February to March 20th – 27th or from the 21st November to December 20th – 27th.

You are decidedly ambitious, you never satisfied by being in subordinate positions; your aim is to rise in in the world, to have control and authority over others. You are excellent in executing the commands. You love order and discipline in all things, you readily obey orders yourself, but you also insist on having your orders obeyed.
Your kind of persons often rise to the very highest positions in any business, profession or sphere in which you may be found. Your type of individuals often excel in positions of authority in the army and navy, in government, and in life generally; and especially in all posts of trust and responsibility, as you are extremely conscientious in carrying out your duties.

You major errors are, you are inclined to be dictatorial, and to insist on carrying your ideas. For this reason you earn many enemies.

You are singularly proud, you dislike being under an obligation to others, you are also exceptionally independent.

You are suggested to carry out your plans, ideas on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month, but specially if these days fall between 19th February to March 20th – 27th or from the 21st November to December 20th – 27th.

The lucky days for you are Thursday , Friday and Tuesday, these days will be more lucky if a date 3rd, 12th, or 30th fall on these days.

Lucky colors for you are some shade of mauve, violet, or purple, even you can put curtains of these color, buy car of these colors. All shades of blue, crimson, and rose are also favorable for you.

Lucky stone for you is amethyst. If possible wear in your finger.

Your key number 4 stands in the planet Uranus.. This planet is considered related to the Sun, and to number 1. You have a birth number four, you have a distinct character of your own. You appear to view everything from an opposite angle to everyone else. In an argument you will always take the opposite side, and although not meaning to be quarrelsome, yet you bring about opposition and make a great number of secret enemies who constantly work against you.

You seem quite natural to take a different view of anything that is presented to your minds. You instinctively rebel against rules and regulations, and if you can have your way you reverse the order of things, even in communities and governments. You often rebel against constitutional authority and set up new rules and regulations either in domestic or public life. You are inclined to attracted to social questions and reforms of all kinds and are very positive and unconventional in your views and opinions.

You key days are 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st of any month, more significantly if it is in the period of Sun and moon, i.e., between 21st June and July 20-27th (moon period) and from the 21st July to 30th August (Sun period).

You are more in harmony with the persons born under 1,2,7 and 8 numbers.

Your key number 5 stands in the planet Mercury, and is versatile and mercurial in all its characteristics.

Number five people re all those who born on the5th, 14th, and 23rd of any month, but their characteristics are more remarkable if they born in the period of 5, which is from 21st May to June 20th-27th, and from 21st August to September 20th – 27th.

You make friends very easily and get on with persons of any number, but your best friends are those who born under your own number.

You are mentally very highly strung. You live on your nerves and appear to crave excitement.

You are quick in thought and decisions, and impulsive in your actions. You detest any plodding kind of work and seem naturally to drift into all methods of making money by inventions and new ideas.

You are born speculators, prone to Stock Exchange transactions, and generally you are willing and ready to run risks in all you undertake.

You have the most wonderful elasticity of character. You rebound quickly from the heaviest blow; nothing seems to affect you for very long, like your symbol, quick silver, which Mercury represents, the blows of Fate leave no intentions on your character. If you are by nature good you remain so; if bad, not all other preaching in the world will make the slightest effect on you.

You are suggested to carry out your plans and ideas on all the days that fall under number 5, such as 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month, and more specially if these dates fall under the period of 5.

The Lucky days for you are Wednesday and Friday, specially if it falls on a 5. You lucky colors are all shades of light grey, white and glistening materials, but as you can make friends with any persons born under any number, so you can wear all shades of colors, but wear dark colors as rarely as possible.

Your lucky stone is the diamond, and all glittering or shimmering things. If possible wear a diamond in platinum.

Your key number 6 stands in the planet Venus. Persons having a 6 as their birth number are all those who are born on the 6th,15th, or 24th of any month, but they are more especially influenced by this number if they are born in the ”House of the 6th”, which is from the 20th April to May 20th-27th and from the 21st September to October 20th-27th.

You are extremely magnetic; you attracts others to yourself, and you are loved and often worshiped by those under you.

You are very determined in carrying out your plans, and may, in fact, be deemed obstinate and unyielding, except when you yourself become deeply attached; in such a case you become; devoted slaves to those you love.

Although number 6 people are considered influenced by the planet Venus, yet as a rule you are more the ”mother love” than the sensual. You lean to the romantic and ideal in all matters of the affection. In some ways you take very strongly after the supposed qualities of Venus, in that you love beautiful things, you make most artistic homes, are fond of rich colors, also paintings, statuary, and music.

In case you are rich you are most generous to art and artists, you love to entertain your friends and make everyone happy about you, but the one thing you can not stand is discord and jealousy.

When roused by anger you will brook no opposition, and will fight to the death for whatever person or cause you espouse, or out of your sense of duty.

You have got the power of making more friends than any other class, with the exception of the number 5, but especially so with all persons born under the vibration of the 3, the 6, the 9, or all your series.

Your most important days in week are Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, and especially so if a number of 3 6 or 9, such as the 3rd ,6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, or 30th, should fall on one of those days.

You are suggested to carry out your plans and aims on all dates that fall under your ‘own number,’ such as the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the period of the 6,’ i.e., between the 20th April and May 20th-27th, or from the 21st September to October 20th-27th.

Your lucky colors are all shades of blue, from the lightest to the darkest, also all shades of rose or pink, but you should avoid wearing black or purple.

Your lucky stone is especially the turquoise, and, as far as possible, you should wear one, or a piece of turquoise matrix, next your skin. Emeralds are also lucky for you.

Your key number 7 stands in the planet Neptune, and represents all persons born under the 7, namely those are born on the 7th, 16th or 25th of any month, but more especially influences such persons if they were born from 21st June to July 27th, the period of the zodiac called the “House of the moon.” The planet Neptune has always been considered as associated with moon, and ,as the part of the Zodiac I have mentioned is also called the First house of water, The connection of Neptune whose very name is always associated with Water is then logical and easily understood.
Now ,as the number of the moon is always given as a 2, this explain why it is that the number 7 people have as their secondary number the 2 , and get on well and make friends easily with all those born under the moon numbers, namely , the 2nd, 11th ,20th and29th of any month especially so if they are also born in the “House of the moon” from the 21st of June to the end of July.

Your number 7, if specifically on the 7th ,16th, or 25th of any month makes you very independent, original, and have strongly marked individuality.

At heart you love change and travel being restless in your nature. If you have the means of gratifying your desires you visit foreign countries and become keenly interested in the affairs of far-off lands. You devour books and travel and have wide universal knowledge of the world at large.

You may become a extremely good writer ,painter or poet but in everything you do, you sooner or later show a peculiar philosophical outlook on life that tinges all your work.

As a class you care little about the material things of life. You may become rich by your original ideas or methods or business, but if you do you are just as likely to make large donations from your wealth to charities or institutions . The you are a women, you will marry well, as you are always uneasy about the future and you need some rock to rest on lest the waters of Fate sweep you away.

If you want to be in business, its good for you as you have good ideas about business, or rather your plans are good if you will only carry them out. You have a keen desire to travel and read a great deal about far-off countries. The interesting and ventures you can jump on are matters concerning the sea, and in trade or business , export and import dealing, with foreign countries, and owner or captain of ship.

You also have very peculiar ideas about religion.. You dislike to follow the beaten track; you have created a religion of your own, but one that appeals to the imagination and based on the mysterious.

You have the gift of intuition, clairvoyance, and a peculiar quieting magnetism of your own that has great influence over others.

You are suggested to plans and aims on all days that fall on your own number, such as the 7th,16th, or 25th of any month, but more especially when these dates fall in the period of the 7, i.e., from the 21st June to July 20th-27th.

The days of the week more fortunate or lucky:for you are the same as for the number 2 people, i.e., Sunday and Monday, especially if they on 1st, 2nd, 4th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 28th, 29th, or 31st of any month.

Your lucky colours are all shades of green, pale shades, also white and yellow, but you should avoid all heavy dark colors as much as possible.

Your lucky stones are moonstones, cat’s-eyes, and pearls, its is recommended that you should wear a moonstone or a piece of moss agate in your fingure in silver.

The number 8 stands in symbolism for the planet Saturn. This number influences all persons born on the 8th, 17th or 26thin any month, but still more so if their birthday comes between the 21st December and the 26th January, which period is called the House of Saturn (positive) , and from 26th January to February 19th-26th, the period called the House of Saturn (Negative).

You are invariably much misunderstood in your life, and perhaps for this reason you feel intensely lonely at heart.

You have very deep and intense nature, great strength of individuality; you generally play some important role on life’s stage, but usually one which is fatalistic, or as the instrument of fate for others.

If at all religious you go to extremes and are fanatics in your zeal. In any cause you take up, you attempt to carry it through in spite of all argument or opposition, and in doing so you generally make bitter and relentless enemies.

You often appear cold and undemonstrative, though in reality you have warm hearts towards the oppressed of all classes; but you hide their feelings and allow people to think just what they please.

These number 8 people are either great successes or great failures; there appears to be no happy medium in their case. If ambitious, you generally aim for public life or government responsibility of some kind, and may hold very high positions involving great sacrifice on you part. It is not, however, from a worldly standpoint, a fortunate number to be born under, and such persons often are called on to face the very great sorrows, losses, and humiliations.

The” lucky” colors for you are all shades of dark grey, black, dark blue and purple. If you were to dress in light colors you would look awkward, and as if there were something wrong with you..

The number 8 being a Saturn number, Saturday is therefore your most important day, but on the account of the number 4 having influence on a Sunday and in a secondary way on a Monday your most important days. you are suggested to carry out your plans and aims on all days that fall under your ”own number,” such as the 8th, 17th or 26thin any month, but more especially so when these dates fall in the ” period of the 8,” i.e., from the 21st December to January 20th-27th, and from the date to February 19th-26th; also if these dates fall on a Saturday , Sunday or Monday, or your interchangeable number, which is 4, such as the 4th, 13th, 22nd,or 31st.

Your ”lucky” stones are the amethyst and the dark toned sapphire, also the black pearl or the black diamond and if possible you should wear one in your middle finger.
The number 8 is a difficult number to explain. It represents two worlds, the material and the spiritual. It is in fact, if one regards it, like two circles just touching together.
It is composed of two equal numbers; 4 and 4.

From the earliest ages it has been associated with the symbol of an irrevocable Fate, both in connection with the lives of individuals or nations. In Astrology it stands for Saturn, which is also called the Planet of Fate.

One side of nature of this number represents upheaval, revolution, anarchy, waywardness and eccentricities of all kinds.

The other side represents philosophic thought, a strong learning towards occult studies, religious devotion, concentration of purpose, Zeal for any cause espoused, and fatalistic outlook coloring all actions.

You also feel that you are distinct and different from your fellows. At heart you are lonely; you are misunderstood, and you seldom reap the reward for the good you may do while you are living. After you death might be extolled, your works will be praised, and lasting tributes offered to your memory.

This number stands for planet Mars. The persons belongs to this number are fighters in all they attempt in their life.

They usually have difficult times in their early part of life. But generally they become successful at the end, by their strong will and determination.

Character wise they are hasty in temper, impulsive, independent and desire to be their own masters. These people have excellent courage, and can become good soldiers and leaders.

Also they make good number of enemies in their life. These enemies cause strife and opposition in whatever they do.

Their greatest danger arise from foolhardiness, and impulsiveness in their speech and actions. They are also prone to accidents, mainly from fire and explosives. And in most cases in their life they suffer from such injury. And also they undergo surgeries.
The home life of number 9 people mostly disturbed, they have a quarrelsome life with their spouse or with whom they have a relation. They are resourceful and excellent in organization, but they must have the fullest control; if not , they lose their heart and stand aside and let things go in pieces.

For affection and sympathy they can do anything , and the men of this number can be made greatest fool and used by women by using their emotional side.

The people with number 9, can never enjoy a peaceful life in most of the cases.

Lucky colors are: all shades of crimson red, all rose tones and pink

Lucky Stones: Ruby, Garnet, and blood stone.

Lucky Days: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Lucky Numbers: 9, 18 and 27 and the same dates.