Friday, December 27, 2013

Five Flower Fields that Transform Spring into a Surreal Wonderland

As winter has taken its hold and much of nature is dormant, we look ahead to the flowers of spring. Many places have their stunning flora, but these flower fields are absolutely dreamlike in their natural beauty.

Below are five of the most otherworldly flower fields from around the world that bloom into unexpected landscapes for a short time each year. 

Los Angeles, California, United States
At the end of winter, the hills of the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve bloom into cascades of orange. The over 1,780-acre site is protected as a reserve by the state of California, and this includes prohibiting taking any floral souvenirs to mar the natural phenomenon (or test out their medicinal properties).  But you'd be forgiven for wanting to fall asleep among them like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

Yunnan, China
In spring in Luoping County in Yunnan, China, the fields around the mountains are transformed into sprawls of vivid yellow. The gold canola flowers suddenly turn the quiet area into a destination, with busloads of visitors arriving to glimpse the temporary stunning colors. You can also find beekeepers in tents taking advantage of the honey-makers, who are also visiting for the flowers.

Carlsbad, California, United States
Down in Southern California each spring, about 50 acres of hillside are suddenly ablaze in flowers at the Carlsbad Ranch. Several different varieties of flowers are grown in parallel lines to create a living rainbow of color. The area just outside of San Diego is part of a major commercial flower center, and the flower fields are just a part of the flower powered economy.

Hitachinaka, Japan
We're cheating a little here, as what makes Hitachi Seaside Park stunning is not just the hundreds of varieties of flowers — including blue flowers with transparent petals — but the summer cypress as well. At the end of the wet season the usually green herb turns a blazing red. This along with a looming ferris wheel makes the Japanese public park into something out of a feverish fantasy.

Halle, Belgium
The Hallerbos — also known as the Blue Forest — morphs for a brief time in spring into an otherworldly landscape. Millions of bluebells bloom all around on the Belgian forest floor beneath the slender beech trees. While these "bluebell woods" can be found around Europe in the oldest forests, this shaded azure carpet of flowers near Brussels is one of the most beautiful.